Safest escape room in Denmark

Safest escape room in Denmark

Being a safe place in these times of Covid-19 is a major challenge. We try our best to be the safest escape room in Denmark. Here is how we do it:

  • Instead of having a single entrance door to our building, we now have 3!
  • We have setup our schedule in a way that almost guarantees that you will not encounter other groups in the building. Another reason why this is possible is that we have expanded the number of waiting areas in our building. We now have 5.
  • Our game masters have all been instructed to keep a safe distance to our customers.
  • After an escape room has been in use, it is left alone for almost two hours. Then it is cleaned/desinfected and finally reset for the next team. In most other escape rooms in Denmark, the time between two groups is only 30 minutes!
  • If the weather permits it, one or more windows will be open when you enter our escape rooms.
  • Toilets, door handles, etc. are cleaned and desinfected multiple times a day.
  • All employees as well as guests are required to either wash hands or desinfect them. We have hands-free dispensers available for you multiple places in the building.
  • We have reduced the maximum number of participants in our rooms. Please check the details for each room.

As always, you are very welcome to get in touch by email, chat or phone.
